The Rules on Exhaustion of Local Remedies under Diplomatic Protection: Comment on 2006 "Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection"; 论外交保护中的用尽当地救济规则&兼评2006年联合国《外交保护条款草案》
This article mainly analyses some important issues in the settlement of BITs disputes: the appropriate nature of disputes, the appropriate parties of disputes, exhaustion of local remedies rule and applicable law in BIT arbitration. 本文将主要分析双边投资条约争端解决中以下几个问题:争端性质的适格,争端当事人的适格,用尽当地救济原则以及仲裁适用的法律。
The nationality, shareholders 'protection, exhaustion of local remedies and so on according to Draft Articles on Diplomatic Protection are discussed in the paper. 有必要对该草案的一些条款如国籍、股东的保护、用尽当地救济等问题进行分析和探讨。
It comprehensively analyzes the mechanism of international investment disputes settlement, the meaning, theoretical basis and practical reasons for applying the principle of exhaustion of local remedies and the application of the principle by means of synthetical study. 本文正是基于以上考虑,采取综合分析法,全面分析了国际投资争端解决机制;用尽当地救济原则的内涵,适用的具体理由及理论依据及国际投资争端解决中用尽当地救济原则的适用问题。
Firstly, this chapter recognizes exhaustion of local remedies is a generally recognized principle of international law, and then inquires what local remedies need to be exhausted. 本章首先承认用尽当地救济办法原则是公认的国际法原则,然后论述了应当用尽的当地救济办法,并且对这一原则的适用范围和性质进行了论述。
Exhaustion of local remedies is an old and important principle in International Law. It is part of the traditional national liability legal system and was been adopted in diplomatic practice by many countries since the beginning of the 18th century. 用尽当地救济原则是国际法上的一项古老而又重要的原则,是传统的国家责任法律制度的一部分。
Therefore, it is not proper to absolutely adopt or deny the principle of exhaustion of local remedies in the field of international investment disputes settlement. 因此,在国际投资争端解决领域,不能对用尽当地救济原则盲目的完全肯定或完全否定。
The principle of exhaustion of local remedies is a balance between the following three relationships: foreign investors and host countries; host countries and the native countries of foreign investors; fairness and effectiveness in the settlement of international investment disputes. 用尽当地救济原则平衡了外国投资者与东道国间、东道国与外国投资者所在国间、国际投资争端解决中的公平与效率三者之间的关系。